Current free job positions

Right now, we are hiring people for jobs specified below. For more information, click to advertisement detail.

Technológ povrchových úprav INFO
Operátor/Administratívny pracovník vo výrobe INFO
Tatravagónka Tlmače hľadá Mzdovú účtovníčku INFO
Natierač- konečná úprava vozňa. INFO
Junior účtovníčka INFO
Group Leader energetiky INFO
Prevádzkový technik VTZZ INFO
Group leader - vodohosopodár INFO
CNC sústružnik INFO

We are one team.

Our vision is „To be the first choice”.

We share identical values that are important for us.
We always head forward and look for new challenges.

Go to vision of the company

90 rokov skúseností


TATRAVAGÓNKA Tlmače spol. s .r.o. belongs to a group of companies that jointly employ thousands of people in Slovakia and other European countries and counts among stable employers. We are constantly filling new job positions and therefore we recommend monitoring our current job offer.

I want to be a part of the team of the European leader

Social program and benefits

As a responsible employer, we believe that employee satisfaction is key to the company’s success. Building a healthy corporate culture is about mutual respect and maintaining a healthy balance between the requirements of employees and the employer. Financial and non-financial benefits play an important role in this relationship.

I want to be a part of the team of the European leader

Sociálny program a benefity
Spolupráca so školami a duálne vzdelávanie

Cooperation with schools and dual education 

For Tatravagónka, it is important that smart young and perspective people stay in the region where they studied and where they can find a job relatively easy. Tatravagónka is a strong and stable employer, which actively works upon and develop cooperation with “machinery” high schools.

I want to be a part of the team of the European leader

Welding school

Tatravagónka Tlmače operates its own welding school and can thus offer its employees quality and fast retraining or upskillig for the profession of welder.

I want to be a part of the team of the European leader

Zváračská škola